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Company branding

How do you consider brand identity at all points of brand contact with the consumer? When it comes to the proper implementation of brand strategy and positioning in the real “battle” conditions of advertising campaigns and product promotion, we offer our clients a comprehensive branding service.

Branding – it is one of the important stages of brand creation and development, the process of brand communication with the outside environment to create voluntary preferences of the target audience. It is a part of brand management, which includes everything that concerns the formation of perceptions about the brand among the consumers.

We will discuss such areas:

  • advertising creativity – development of ideas for advertising campaigns,
  • Development of advertising campaign – the concept, media plan and promotional materials,
  • advertising design – development of material design for all advertising media,
  • Store design – a project of visual design of outlets,
  • Merchandising services – the product placement in the stores taking into account the psychology of consumer attention.

Branding starts from the moment the product appears on the market or the interaction of the target audience with the brand. In the course of the work it is necessary to carry out:

  • implementing the brand strategy and developed positioning through visual and verbal means,
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of the advertising activities and each element,
  • Adjustment of the necessary elements.